105 The Ride, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7DL

020 8805 1858

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Primary 2

Head of Department: Nicki Kemp

We offer a caring and stimulating environment where pupils can continue to learn and develop skills throughout all the areas of the curriculum. There are three classes with high staff to pupil ratios.

All pupils are encouraged to be as independent as possible, physically and in their life skills. The aim for all pupils in the department is that by the time they leave Primary 2 , they will have matured into confident individuals who have a desire to continue to learn new skills.

We follow the main school curriculum which is a topic-based curriculum that is split into different areas of learning over 3 levels depending on our pupils’ individual needs. 

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

 What do we offer?

Children in Key stage 2 are offered a full-time place.

  • Children are supported by staff who are committed to supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
  • High levels of staffing ensure children are safe.
  • Staff expertise enables children continue to develop the skills they require to further their educational journey.
In Rose Class we are all working hard to develop independent physical skills to access our environment and learning. We are very motivated to be independent in our walking, standing, and transitional skills. The school physiotherapists and our teachers enable us to incorporate these skills in all of our sessions. We follow the school curriculum alongside focusing on pupils' individual targets. We continue to work hard on developing our communication skills so that we can make choices and express our needs and feelings, through the use of early AAC such as  Yes/No symbols, PODD, single message voice output devices and Makaton signing. We, along with our teachers, explore and investigate together and have fun while taking part in sessions and activities.
Sunflower class has some very lively pupils! We all love to explore the environment through a variety of experiences such as stories with props, mark making with different materials, artwork etc. We are working hard on developing our communication skills so that we can make choices and express our needs and feelings, through the use of PODD books, v and Makaton. We are also developing our physical skills through swimming, hydro, P.E sessions, and physio sessions, according to our needs. We all love to be as active as we possibly can!
Buttercup class is a very active class! We love developing our physical skills and enjoy swimming, P.E., the soft play area, activities in the playground, riding bikes and accessing our community. We are also very focused and motivated to learn. We have developed some very good friendships. We love reading and literacy which promotes our ability to read and write. We enjoy developing our mathematical skills and increasing our understanding of the world by engaging in science and humanity lessons. We are excellent at signing and using our PODD books and eye gaze devices to communicate with adults and our friends in the class. We are working hard on becoming as independent as possible during the school day and our teachers are trying really hard to encourage us to transfer these skills to our home environment.
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Head of Department: Nicki Kemp

The department has an atmosphere of fun, energy and vibrancy in which to nurture these skills.